Learning Styles and Online Learning: How to Cater Them

Teaching in a typical classroom setting is challenging because each student, whether an adult or child, has different learning styles. This is true for all types of learning facilities. The same challenges found with full-time students in university are the same ones you will encounter with those who take up SSG courses online.

When it comes to teaching online, teachers and educators also need to accommodate the different learning styles so that students with different backgrounds get as much from it as they can.

Learning Styles

  • Visual Learning

Visual learners perform exceptionally well when visual aids are present. They process information based on the things they see. You can cater to this crowd in your online classes by including images, charts, graphs, PowerPoint presentations, and other visual cues that will keep them engaged.

On top of that, giving them an overview of the week ahead in bullet points can help them see what they need to accomplish within the week. You may also create a forum for them that will allow them to highlight their reading materials and outlines.

  • Auditory Learning

online studying

Auditory learners learn and process information best when they listen and speak. These are the types of people that prefer hearing things said instead of reading them. Simple texts and even visual cues are not enough to stimulate interest.

Since most distance or remote learning takes place on video conferencing platforms, you already have the upper hand with this crowd. To add to their learning experience, you may also include a few video clips (perhaps some YouTube links) that they can watch and rewatch anytime they need to.

  • Social Learning

Social learners work best when they are around people and interacting with them. So naturally, in a remote learning setting, the tendency to feel isolated and lonely is expected. Social learners like working with groups and generally struggle to work alone.

One way to solve this dilemma is to create a forum where your students can get to know one another and interact offline. You can use the same thread to assign students to work on some tasks together. If you have access to other online conferencing platforms, you can get your class on there, too, to discuss topics and share their thoughts and ideas outside of your official teaching platform.

  • Kinesthetic Learning

Kinesthetic learners are great at activities that require them to get their bodies involved. They work best with hands-on scenarios such as lab experiments and workshops. However, since online learning limits the number of physical activities, you will have to be creative with this one.

One quick workaround is to give your students several options for their graded assignments. Don’t focus too much on essays and reports. You can have them create a video or make a project using things they see around the house. Anything that will get their hands and feet moving is enough to keep them motivated and engaged.

It may be harder to teach online classes, especially since educators have very limited control over their classes, unlike in a classroom. But with some ingenuity and plenty of sincerity to educate students, the best teachers and instructors will manage to engage their students and give them the best learning experience possible.

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