Children’s Personality Types: Could Be Hard To Deal With

Back in 2013, one of Buzzfeed’s articles entitled “26 Reasons Kids Are Pretty Much Just Tiny Drunk Adults” went viral. It was posted shortly after a tweet capturing the same thought also went viral. When you think about it, there is some truth to it. After that, you realize that, much like adults, children also have different personality types and that there is no one size fits all when you have to deal with them. Parents, of course, have it easy because they gave their kids primary child care, but what about strangers?

Thankfully, daycares in Taylorsville are experienced and equipped to interact and care for your child. If you are someone who’s looking to further your relationship-building skills with children, then this article is perfect for you!

1. Determine the temperament

This may be your own kid’s (if you don’t know yet), your niece or nephew, or even the child assigned to you in daycare. Now, there are five things to look out for when identifying the child’s disposition. These are emotional levels, how active he or she is, how easily frustrated they are, response to strangers, and lastly, response to change. Knowing all of these can help you customize your approach accordingly to the child’s individualistic personality.

Generally, researchers suggest that there are usually three temperament types: easy or flexible; active or feisty; slow to warm up or cautious. The categories mean precisely how they are labeled.

2. Remember that you are the adult

You are human, so you might be bound to slip up here or there. What’s important to remind yourself is that you have reached the level of maturity wherein you are more capable of understanding others as well as keeping your emotions in check. It is not uncommon that your personality type is not a match for the child’s temperament. Learn to adjust because the solutions come with your understanding of the child. A compromise can be reached if you stay patient.

One more thing to keep in mind is that you should learn not to channel your needs to the child. Let’s say, for example, you are someone who is extremely extroverted and therefore, craves social interaction. On the other hand, your child is shy and takes a while to warm up. So when you always push the child to socialize thinking that it will be good for him, you are enforcing your own needs on him or her and ultimately, doing more harm than you are right.

3. Side with your child

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Stop enforcing what society dictates as appropriate behavior for a child. Well-behaved, prim, and proper children tend to be the model, but this can only hurt your child if he or she is naturally a ball of energy. Make sure that they know that you understand where they are coming from and try to make other people see that too.

4. Be patient

Growing up is a continuous process. It still takes place even in adulthood so you can only imagine how significant the impact is to children. Kids grow every day. They can change from one thing to the next in a split second or within a year. The point is, when they change, you’re back to square one – but that doesn’t mean that you give up on them. Be patient.

Even with this method, child care is not a one size fits all. With daycares having a natural knack for this sort of things, you can rest easy knowing your children are in good hands.

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