Your Schooling Options for Your Children’s Education

Parents today have a growing list of choices for their children’s schooling and education. There are state vouchers, tax credit programs, scholarships, privately funded programs for low-income families, as well as the growing acceptance of homeschooling. Parents can fully explore various options when considering a school for their kids.

There are public schools that are chartered and magnet, while private schools can range from independent to religious and proprietary. Here are a few things to note about the different schools that you can explore for your children.

Public School Options

Charter schools are independently operated public schools that are started by parents, community organizations, teachers and partner companies. They may have private funding and receive tax dollars. They are usually free from regulations that apply to most conventional public schools.

These schools are known to challenge standard learning practices and specialize in specific areas like science and technology or the arts. They target high-risk and gifted kids. They have smaller classes and can provide individual attention to students.

Magnet schools, on the other hand, are highly competitive and selective free public schools. They offer special programs and have high academic standards. Student applicants for this type of school need to undergo a strict application process. Some magnet schools also have boarding homes to allow students from other locations to attend.

Private School Options

Private schools run on tuition and funds from non-public sources such as endowments, religious organizations, grants and charitable institutions. They can be either coed or exclusive. Private schools can be independent, religious or proprietary.

Independent private schools are non-profit, with a board of trustees. They draw funds from tuition fees, endowments and charitable contributions. They are sometimes affiliated with a religious institution, but they are not funded or governed by them. Many independent schools have boarding facilities.

Parochial and religious schools, meanwhile, are church-related and commonly owned by a religious body. There are Catholic, Protestant, Hebrew and Christian schools.

The curriculum in some religious high schools in Gilbert, for example, is supplemented with religious instructions and prayers. Children do not have to be Catholic or Christian to attend some Catholic schools. They may be exempt from joining some activities, but they will be required to attend religious classes.

Homeschooling Options


Homeschooling is also a growing trend explored by many families. Most parents who are unhappy or worried about the quality of education and socialization of some school environments choose to homeschool their children.

There are students who attend part-time schools, while others learn everything they need at home. Families have the option to customize the curriculum and purchase learning materials developed for homeschoolers. It is the state that still regulates and sets requirements for homeschooling.

These are just the basic details that parents can review while in the process of choosing a school for their kids. It also helps to discuss plans with your children to get their insights about the schools you intend to check out for them.

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