Top 5 Fun Activities for Kids With Special Needs

Every child learns to make sense of the world through playing, including children with special needs. It’s part of growing up. Although there may be some challenges in encouraging them to participate in different activities, they still have some capacity to engage in play. Particular adaptations and support provided by the parents and older peers help them experience a broad range of activities to help them learn, grow, and, most importantly — have fun.

If your child has autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome, and has pursued online education, end the day right by making them participate in these fun and entertaining activities. Feel free to mix and match these activities following your child’s age, interests, and abilities.

Go Indoor Camping

If it’s rainy outside, but don’t want your child to miss out on the fun of camping — have an indoor camping adventure with the family. Whether it’s setting up a tent inside or throwing big blankets over some chairs, creating a cozy indoor camp venue will be a fun experience for any kid, with or without special needs. It also helps your children with ‘imaginative play,’ expanding their creativity and imagination.

Play’ Dig In’

Whether you plan on using a sensory bin or sand, letting kids dig and explore can create several opportunities for fun and learning while engaging their senses. Before letting your child play, paint small items, and bury them in a sensory bin or sandbox. After that, help your child dig up these exciting treasures and count these discoveries together.

Go on a Scavenger Hunt

Nothing beats going on a classic scavenger hunt indoors. It’s a fun activity for kids of all ages and capacities, relieving stress and fostering play. Take a look around your home, create a list of hidden objects, and give your child the list and help them scavenge for these items. Make sure to use pictures of things to guide them and entice them to participate more. It’s a great activity that lets your child practice problem-solving tangibly.


Find the Puzzle Piece

This search and find activity is a simple twist to your typical puzzle game, helping kids master parallel pay by independently doing the same task without interacting with others, promoting a sense of responsibility. All you need to do is hide the puzzle pieces around your home, like under the living room couch or by the dining table, and let them search for it. When your child finds a piece, let them place it on a table and keep looking until they find the puzzle pieces. When they manage to find them all, let them put the puzzle together. It’s a fun activity that promotes motor and cognitive skills.


Slime is an extremely popular craft for young children and can be a great sensory activity for children with special needs. A typical and safe slime recipe includes baking soda, water, and clear glue. It’s a relatively safe activity that promotes mindfulness, fine motor skills and helps kids focus while encouraging them to play independently. Plus, you get to keep their craft as a souvenir, making it a win-win situation for you and your child.

After-school, weekend, or general fun activities can significantly help children with special needs by building their self-esteem and skills while establishing a sense of belonging. The activities mentioned are just some activities you can do with your child, or they can do with their friends.woman teaching a kid

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