Guide to Improving Your Child’s Skills

It is almost a year after the COVID-19 lockdown policy. Perhaps, compared to the previous years, 2020 has been a year when you can finally have quality time with your small family. If you or your significant other used to get up and go to work immediately, this is the moment when you can be on each other’s side while working on your tasks. Showing your support and having them as a part of your days.

Aside from that, you will also be able to see the growth of your kids. Maybe, it will make you feel proud, or it might develop a new concern for you. Have you ever sit on a couch and pondering about how many hours your kids spend on gadgets?

If you have, then you are not alone. 71% of parents in the USA concerned that their kids spend too much time in front of screens. Are you going to let them be or, are you trying to reduce the time that the kids spent in front of screens? If so, then suit up! These fun activities will help you to have quality time with your kids:

Name Your Plants

Gardening has a lot of benefits for your kids. It can develop their body management skills, locomotor skills, and even object control skills.

The way they will move around your garden, the way they plant the seeds, and the way they water the flowers. Those are healthy physical exercise.

With the right way of guiding your kids, they will also learn how to observe their surroundings. It can enhance their sensitivity to the smallest change in an object.

But building an emotional attachment to new activity might be hard at first. Thus, naming the plants will help your kids to create an emotional attachment.

You can have fun when naming the plants!

Decorate Your Cake

This activity will be very suitable if baking is a part of your hobbies.

Pitch your kids by asking what kind of cake or cookies that they wish to eat? Gain their attention by offering something that will match their interests.

Ask them to help you preparing the tools and choosing the ingredients. It is because your task here is to make their wishes come true.

Teach them about the fun way of mixing the dough and decorating the cake. Cake decoration will enhance their creativity, whether it is as simple as writing their name or drawing their face on the cake. Appreciate their efforts!

kids drawing

Young Musician

If you have a hard time to decide the activities, maybe you can observe their interest. Sometimes, they seek to fulfill their interest through some games on their gadgets. You might find some applications that are serving as a simulator of musical instruments.

Then what is stopping you from developing your kids’ interest? They might have a hidden talent. It is a perfect activity if you can teach your kids about musical instruments. Sadly, not all parents have the skill to play an instrument. But you don’t have to worry. You can have in-home guitar or piano lessons from the professionals for your kids. Both of them ranked as the top instruments that are played by kids.

But, if they fond of the violin, it is also great to go. Discovering your kids’ talent at their young age will open a lot of opportunities for their future.

Catch the Ball

If your kids are having fun playing a sports game on their gadgets, maybe you can ask them to play the real game with you. Aside from teaching them about the real game, doing sports is a great physical exercise. It can boost your immune and improve your mental health. Sports is going to help you refresh your mind after handling some works.

You can teach your kids about sportsmanship and a proper attitude if they lose the game. Now, it depends on you and your kids. What kind of activities do you want to do? There are some tricks to find the perfect activities for your kids. First, observe the videos that they watch on YouTube or what applications do they usually open.

The second one is through your observation of their talent that you might discover on some occasions. It would be great if you can choose the activity that can help them to develop their talent.

You have to know that there are various activities out there that you can do with your kids. Never stop finding the perfect one to improve the relation with each other in your family, because family is precious.

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