Latest Trends in Education

Trends in education often follow societal changes and development. The more we know, the better we can teach others. With that in mind, let us explore four key trends in the education industry.

The Mental Approach

A child cannot perform well at school if he doesn’t feel well. While this might sound like common sense to many, it is only until recently that schools, educators, and parents alike are placing adequate levels of attention on children and teenager’s mental health and well-being. No matter how talented or intelligent a child might be, if he has a problem at home or at the learning institution he attends, his academic performance will suffer.

Luckily, we now have the tools at our disposal to tackle the vast majority of mental health issues present in children and young adults. It includes advanced literature, much wider access to professionals in the area, and training videos on psychology that allow for the analysis and understanding of the causes behind certain behaviors in our youth.

When your son is doing badly in mathematics or science, the key oftentimes lies in digging for the underlying issues that might lead to laziness or a lack of motivation to perform in a particular subject.

Digital Literacy

Almost a quarter into the 21st century, you will hard-pressed to find a person who doesn’t know how to use a smartphone, a tablet, or a computer. If you find someone in this select group, it will most likely not be a child.

As a result, it is important to explain the difference between digital literacy and digital knowledge. While the latter can use an electronic device such as the aforementioned phones, tablets, and PCs, the former relates more to individual behaviors and attitudes.

For instance, if your daughter likes to leave rude and disrespectful comments on the social media posts of others, this could be a clear sign that her digital literacy needs work. If, instead of communicating with respect and a keen sense of others’ privacy, she engages in mockery and bullying, a serious talk with either her parents or teachers would be in order.

In essence, having digital literacy is knowing how to behave within the confines of a digital ecosystem, be it social media, a chat group, or a school online community.

Pushback on STEM

In the past few years, STEM-based learning has gained a lot of traction in all areas of education, and many experts believe this viewpoint to be the best as it pertains to future career success. For those unfamiliar with it, STEM is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. In theory, by applying a STEM-based integrative educational approach, students will learn all the skills they need to excel at any job.

Student writing on her notebook

While it is true that a long list of future jobs will be technology-related and the end of the growth in the industry appears nowhere in sight, there is a growing sense that STEM is not all that it seems. After all, success in life is about doing what you think will make you the most money and engaging in something you enjoy and are passionate about.

For example, if you love playing an instrument and like spending hours upon hours studying it, chances are you will get better at it. And if you get better at it, others might notice this, opening a wide range of opportunities. Ultimately, this might lead you to make more money and ensure your financial security.


According to the description found in the App Store, Elevate is a “brain training program designed to improve focus, speaking abilities, processing speed, memory, and math skills.” The more you play it, the more you will get better at crucial cognitive skills to boost your productivity and self-confidence.

Whether this is true is irrelevant. Even if you buy the Pro version, you will only be set back less than five dollars a month, and you can cancel your subscription at any time without having to explain. Besides, buying and playing the game will not have any long-lasting physical or mental effects.

What is indeed relevant is how programs like Elevate and others are changing the industry. All human beings like to have fun, and if they enjoy learning something, they will focus more on it and reap bigger rewards. It is especially true in children whose concentration spans are quite limited and easily get bored in most things they do.

Four current education trends are the mental approach, an emphasis on digital literacy, the importance of a comprehensive educational program that includes all subjects, and gamification. Most expect them to continue to define the industry for the years to come.

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